Saturday, December 12, 2009

Our multicultural Games Unit...

Kerry Dyke, our fellow Middle School teacher has been implementing a great unit on Multicultural games for a number of years here at International School Bangkok. I have teamed up with him and we now have re-vamped and improved the unit.

Here's how the project is going to work...

  1. Students work alone, in pairs or three's.
  2. They research a physically active game unique to their or another culture.
  3. They will write a blog post which explains the game, includes pictures and the basic rules of the game and explains the games unique features relevant to their culture.
  4. They also plan a short teaching lesson which they deliver to their peers. The class is divided into small groups to make the teaching itself less daunting.
  5. Students will then deliver this lesson to their peers. The lesson is recorded on the flip camera
  6. Students will be expected to work with the recorded video to create a 1-3 minute video which assists explaining the game and shows them teaching. This will be uploaded to You Tube and embedded into their blog page.
  7. The final part of the assessment requires them to reflect on the process writing a blog post about it.
Check it out here